Monday, July 7, 2014

Bat Bugs - New Orleans

Bat Bugs - New Orleans

Bat Droppings (Bat poop) and Bat Bugs

Bat poop often has bugs in it, why not it IS a nitrogen rich medium! When I perform an exclusion I sometimes see bat bugs and or bat mites. Because bats are mammals they are prone to all sorts of things just like any other mammal. I remove bats from attics, and can teach you how to remove a bat but in this blog I am just covering the bugs I see. Pictures of bat poop almost always show bugs if you know what to look for. The following pictures show bugs on some of my bat removal cones, or bat valves.

bat bugs on bat removal device
Bat Mites

bat bugs on bat removal equipment
Bat bugs from bats in New Orleans
Have a friend who thinks they have bat bugs? You can share this blog with them, but they should call an exterminator to treat for them. It is my understanding that the bugs cannot complete their life cycle in an ongoing basis without the bats or a host like them. Humans just are not a good host for the bat bugs. You should properly ID the bugs first. If you do not have bats you may have BIRD mites. The bat bugs pictured here were definitely from a bat roost and they are mites.

Ultrasonic repellents 

Ultrasonic repellents simply DO NOT WORK in my opinion. You can try it but effective control of bat bugs starts with getting rid of the bats - then your local pest control guy can get rid of the bugs. Treating just for bugs while NOT removing the bats will fail just like treating your house for fleas and not the cat or dog - the bugs will rebound.

This is what a true Bat Bug looks like up close notice how similar to the bedbug it looks. This Bat bug was found at a bat roost in the downtown Covington area.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am worried about these bugs. There are a lot of bats in my area and they have lived before in my neighbor's house. It would be nice to know about ways of preventing them from coming in my house and living in the attic, or safe, effective ways of removing them. Thanks for your post!